Collectible NFT Art | Rare Cardano NFTs and Tokens

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UPDATE: I have received some concerns that I may have minted too many of these charms. It was very early on and I was still learning and I'll admit 1000 of each charm seems a bit much given what I know now. The policy used when I minted these tokens prevents me from burning them, so I'm kind of stuck here. What I have decided to do is only sell 10 of each token and leave the remaining tokens in their wallet forever. If in the future it becomes possible to burn these tokens, I will do so. That's the best I can do and I apologize for any inconvenience.

This is my second Cardano series titled "Puzzle Charms".

Policy ID: fe089f25f902.....e3bde2bfbb17
Script: 1fbf8baa265d.....c5ea50d34c06

I minted 12 unique tokens with a limited number in circulation that can't be increased.

Buy a puzzle charm for yourself and get one next to it for your loved one!

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 2

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 6

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 6

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 4

Price: 15 ADA
TTokens Remaining: 4

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 7

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 2

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 2

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 7

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 7

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 6

Price: 15 ADA
Tokens Remaining: 7


I used a RequireTimeBefore time-locked policy for these tokens. This gives me the capability to create a token group or series in multiple transactions where all the tokens have the same policy id. Without smart contracts, this is the best I can do right now. No minting or burning of the token is possible after a certain slot.

Visit to see details about each minted token.

This series is a set of 12 Limited Edition Tokens that can be used to represent a "puzzle charm" on the Cardano blockchain. Only 1000 of each puzzle piece was minted.

Think of these as more like a token trading cards, where there are 1000 copies of the same piece of artwork.

For example, If you purchase 2 of the same charm number, your wallet will show you have 2 of the same token as follows:

Think of it like you purchased 2 packs of baseball cards and got the same card in each pack, the cards are not numbered.

Physical meets digital! Each art piece is hand painted on cardboard puzzle stock, 100% unique and very rare. The painted pieces are then digitally altered by the artist.

The paint color and order in which the paints were applied for the puzzle pieces is random and comes from
The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs.

My paints are numbered 1 through 10, and the random number and order determines which paint I use and when I use it. Two additional paints are also used at my discretion throughout the process.

The policy id for this series is: fe089f25f902422a3b6e71be86b7fc7a82c9764d9028e3bde2bfbb17
The combination of the policy id and token name is what makes it unique on the Cardano network.

All puzzle charms are complete and stored on IPFS. IPFS is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol that has many advatages over hosting the images myself. When a file is distributed throughout the IPFS network, it’s hard to remove it. If you make a backup copy of the NFT image file and for some reason the file disappears from IPFS, you still have a unique IPFS hash. You can upload the file again, the hash will be the same and the file will be available again. We encourage you to backup your NFT image files locally.

All tokens are now minted. When the token is minted, it creates the transaction with metadata on the blockchain and the NFT is then associated to that forging transaction forever on chain.

Below is the meta data associated with minting Charm #1 as an example:

Please note that at the time this series was minted there were not solid standards in place for the JSON format I used above.

Doesn't mean these are not valid tokens, just means they were minted before set standards were in place.

To verify that you own the token, check your wallet and make sure the name matches the name of the charm you purchased and verify the policy id is: fe089f25f902422a3b6e71be86b7fc7a82c9764d9028e3bde2bfbb17.

Here is the policy that was used to mint all tokens in this series:

No refunds period. The sale process is decentralised and to avoid fraud we cannot alter anything. The token will be sent to the address the buyer stipulates during correspondence. The buyer is responsible for providing a valid address so triple check it! If the public Cardano blockchain shows you got the token, then the sale is FINAL.

The cost of each token is listed above the puzzle piece, it takes considerable time and technical know-how to produce these puzzle charms.

This art collection was completed and minted 3/28/21

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